Friday, March 27, 2009

Thirty Minutes Later

After reading a lot of blogs about braces, one common theme is abundantly clear; fear. People express their fear of pain, discomfort, and public shame.. But most of all, it's the fear of the unknown that they talk about the most. For one, how will I react? After all these years how will it feel to have pieces of metal on my teeth? Will it hurt? When will I see my teeth moving? Will my wife/girlfriend/booty call still be interested in me? With each new person that gets braced, these common themes unite us all under the same umbrella- adult orthodontics.

Today I went in to get "braced". When it was said and done, thirty minutes had elapsed and my mouth felt a whole lot bigger than it did prior to this visit. Am I experiencing any discomfort? Not really. At this point in time my teeth feel "funny" and I'm already getting used to my top lip residing in a new zip code (on top of my wire).

Since I'm sitting at the computer, eating very tasty grapes, I wanted to upload some pictures that will show my illustrate my new-found bling.

Here we go!

That's a grill that only a mother could love.

This is my "normal" side. The other side has 1 extraction (2nd bicuspid)

Notice the cross bite that developed as a result of a previous extraction

The top is by far my most complicated region of my mouth.
As you can see, I need expansion (w/o surgery) to open my arch.
We hope to accomplish this movement with NiTi wires and the In-Ovation sytem.

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